In: Data_base tree structure->FE Model->Geometry
The description of nodes in PragTic is provided by several related data_vectors. Whole description can be found under the item Nodes in the data_base tree. The individual data_vectors are:
- NODES – header of the nodal description, pointers to COORDS, NTIS, NORMALS, mark if the node is surfacial, new description which is the coordinate system used for definition and which one for result output.
- COORDS – a list of coordinates of nodes
- NTIS – for each node a list of all elements, which contain this node, the data_vector is created only after the elements of the FE-model are uploaded.
- NORMALS – definition of the normal line vector for all surfacial nodes. The normals can be viewed by common way by clicking on NORMALS ID-name (only the surfacial nodes are shown in that case). Click on Nodes item, NODES or COORDS does not show normal lines description.
- NIDTRANS – this is a data_vector with the highest item being the maximum node number of used nodes plus one. If a node number x is defined in the FE-model, the NIDTRANS[x] = position of the node in NODES data_vector, it is equal –1 otherwise. The data_vector serves for fast access to relevant nodes with the use of node numbering of the original FE-model.
The set of all node numbers uploaded has a reserved ID-name N_ALL.
Description: Node - node ID, CSDef - coordinate system used for definition, CSRes - coordinate system used for result output, X, Y and Z-COORDINATE - position of the node in the global rectangular system, NX, NY, NZ - definition of the normal line vector.
surfacial nodes
isolated points
coordinate systems
© PragTic, 2007
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